STPS offers careers where one can truly be of service.  Make a difference in the ten St’at’imc communities where the STPS courageously and boldly serves.  Choosing the path of being a police officer can be both challenging and rewarding. Consider applying to the Stl’atl’imx Tribal Police Service as a Recruit Officer or an Experienced Officer.

Send a completed application form to
Staff Sergeant Dale Austinson at:

Recruiting Process

* Application.
* Intake exam.
* First interview.
* Polygraph exam.
* Medical exam.
* P.O.P.A.T.
* Security clearance.
* Second interview.
* Offer of employment.
* Enrollment in the Police Recruit Training Program at the Justice Institute of British Columbia.

Basic Qualifications

* Canadian citizen or landed immigrant.
* Minimum 19 years of age.
* Excellent character.
* Successful completion of grade twelve.
* Physically fit; must be able to pass the Police Officer Physical Abilities Test (P.O.P.A.T) and a medical examination.
* Vision not less than 20/40 in one eye and 20/100 in the other, unaided; corrected to 20/20 and 20/30 with lenses. Candidates who have had successful laser eye surgery will be considered.
* Hearing loss in one ear not greater than 50 dB and the other ear not greater than 30 dB in the 500-3000 Hz range.
* No criminal convictions, charges under another federal statute, or criminal charges pending.
* Basic computer keyboarding skills.
* Current Class 5 BC drivers license.

Preferred Qualifications

* Post secondary education.
* Work experience with a recognized police agency.
* Volunteer experience with a recognized police agency.
* Cultural awareness of the St’at’imc people.
* Knowledge of the St’at’imc communities and other First Nations communities.