Deputy Chief Cst. Ray Bernoties

Deputy Chief Constable Ray Bernoties was hired in October 2023 for a temporary short-term contract of 6 months.  This would be a return visit for Ray.  Previously, Ray had been STPS Chief Officer in 2006 when he was seconded from the RCMP.  Currently, his temporary position would bring stability to the organization following the sudden loss of Sergeant Michael Leo.  During the 6 months period, he focussed on improving the leadership structure for the organization through both an implementation of an Acting Sergeant role at the Mount Currie detachment and the planning for a Staff Sergeant position.  As well, he initiated a collaborative effort with Ts’zil Learning Centre in Mount Currie that could be used to identify potential recruit applicants.   

Ray worked extensively with the HR committee to commence succession planning and to further identify officers’ individual goals.  The planning would detail employees’ aspirations and what they want to accomplish in their time with the STPS. Once identified, the organization would be able to put training plans in place to help them achieve their goals.  Again, under the leadership of the HR committee, Ray drafted two business cases that could be used by the STPS in its efforts to obtain funding for 3 additional officers and 1 additional civilian staff.  The STP Board was very grateful for the accomplishments that were achieved by the organization in his time with the STPS.  As well, Chief Officer Doss-Cody reported on how much she appreciated him and all he did. She felt like he had added a new dynamic and energy following the untimely passing of Sergeant Leo.